Chairperson: Kurt Kiessling
Member: Jim Totten
Member: Paul Glantz
Member: Jim Garno
Member: Kurt Kendziorski
Member: Brady Totten
Member: Robby Johnson
Township Board Rep: Ray Letterman
Please direct all communications for the DDA to Riley Kiessling, Clerk:
Administration Staff:
Clerical Support: Riley Kiessling -
Financial Support: Corey Trinklein -
Downtown Development Authority Contact Information:
Birch Run Township DDA
8425 Main St.
PO Box 152
Birch Run, MI 48415
Phone: 989-624-9773
Fax: 989-624-1177
2024 Meeting Dates (Meetings are called as needed):
DDA Building Improvement Grant:
Grant Application
DDA Development Plan and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan
​​Current Contracts for the Downtown Development Authority:
Police Protection Services Contract - Police Patrol / 9-1-1 Response Services
Clerical and Financial Support Services Contract - Provides clerical and financial support to the DDA Board
Water Tower Financing Agreement - Financial contribution towards the Water Tower construction loan payment​​
The Birch Run Township DDA intends to use its fund balance on a sewer interceptor project that has previously been approved by the DDA and the Township Board of Trustees, but is not yet in the construction phase. Remaining fund balance is currently intended to be used on future sewer improvements and a streetscaping project as outlined within the Birch Run Township DDA Master Plan.