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2024 Resolutions

Resolution #2024-01 (Birch Run Twp. Board of Trustees 2024 Meeting Dates

Resolution #2024-02 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2024-03 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2024-04 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2024-05 (Trustee Salary)

Resolution #2024-06 (Resolution For Hardship Property Tax Reduction Rules and Regulations)

Resolution #2024-07 (Budget Adoption for Fiscal Year 2025)

Resolution #2024-08 (PA 116 Approval Resolution)

Resolution #2024-09 (PA 116 Approval Resolution)

Resolution #2024-10 (Rescind Resolution #2001-15 (Property Tax Penalty Charge and Interest))

Resolution #2024-11 (Purchase Real Property from Saginaw County Land Bank)

Resolution #2024-12 (Moratorium on Recreational Marihuana Licenses)

Resolution #2024-13 (Par Plan Risk Reduction Grant - Fall 2024 Application)​

Resolution #2024-14 (Ratification of Evergreen Drive SAD)

Resolution #2024-15 (Amend Public Monies)


2023 Resolutions

Resolution #2023-01 (Birch Run Twp. Board of Trustees 2023 Meeting Dates)

Resolution #2023-02 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2023-03 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2023-04 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2023-05 (Trustee Salary)

Resolution #2023-06 (Resolution For Hardship Property Tax Reduction Rules and Regulations)

Resolution #2023-07 (Carter Kits - Local Civic Organization)

Resolution #2023-08 (Budget Adoption for FY 23-24)

Resolution #2023-09 (Resolution to Adopt Ord. #23-05 Amending Ordinance)

Resolution #2023-10 (Saginaw Co. Hazard Plan Adoption)

Resolution #2023-11 (Ratification of Business Licenses)

Resolution #2023-12 (Adoption of Early Voting Agreement With Saginaw County)

Resolution #2023-13 (Amend Public Monies)

Resolution #2023-14 (Par Plan Risk Reduction Grant Application - Fall 2023 Cycle)


2022 Resolutions

Resolution #2022-01 (Birch Run Twp. Board of Trustees 2022 Meeting Dates)

Resolution #2022-02 (Establishing Recreational Marihuana Sub-Committee)

Resolution #2022-03 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2022-04 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2022-05 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2022-06 (Trustee Salary)

Resolution #2022-07 (Resolution For Hardship Property Tax Reduction Rules and Regulations)

Resolution #2022-08 (Approve Recreational Marihuana Application)

Resolution #2022-09 (Approve Recreational Marihuana Scorecard)

Resolution #2022-10 (Budget Adoption for FY 22-23)

Resolution #2022-11 (Amendment of 2005 Master Plan) (Not Adopted)

Resolution #2022-12 (Letter of Support to the SCRC)

Resolution #2022-13 (Appoint a Local Point of Contact for National Incident Management System)

Resolution #2022-14 ( Approve MMWA 2023 Member Agreement)

Resolution #2022-15 (Approve MMWA Trustee & Alternate for Remaining Term)

Resolution #2022-16 (Address Over-Under Payments Collected)

Resolution #2022-17 (Fee For Parcel Report & Bulk Assessing Record Requests) (Not Adopted)

Resolution #2022-18 (Insurance Opting Out of Senate Bill 7)


2021 Resolutions

Resolution #2021-01 (Birch Run Twp. Board of Trustees 2021 Meeting Dates)

Resolution #2021-02 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2021-03 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2021-04 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2021-05 (Trustee Salary)

Resolution #2021-06 (Waive Penalties for Non-Filing of PTA's)

Resolution #2021-07 (Hardship Property Tax Reduction Rules and Regulations)

Resolution #2021-08 (Budget Adoption for FY 2022)

Resolution #2021-09 (Approving Purchase of Property)

Resolution #2021-10 (Partial Termination from PA 116)

Resolution #2021-11 (Object to Transfer of Property Parcel #05-10-6-18-1008-000)

Resolution #2021-12 (Amend Public Monies)

Resolution #2021-13 (Amend Park Fee Schedule)

Resolution #2021-14 (Performance Resolution For Municipalities)

Resolution #2021-15 (Insurance Opting Out of Senate Bill 7)

Resolution #2021-16 (Authorize Planning Comm. to Hold Public Hearing for Master Plan)


2020 Resolutions

Resolution #2020-01 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2020-02 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2020-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2020-04 (Amend Fee Schedule for Cemetery)

Resolution #2020-05 (Additional Compensation for Elections)

Resolution #2020-06 (Inspection Fees & Surety Deposit)

Resolution #2020-07 (Budget Adoption for FY 2021)

Resolution #2020-08 (Fire Truck Installment Purchase)

Resolution #2020-09 (COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan)

Resolution #2020-09 (COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan) - Exhibit A

Resolution #2020-09 (COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan) - Exhibit B

Resolution #2020-09 (COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan) - Exhibit C

Resolution #2020-09 (COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan) - Exhibit D

Resolution #2020-11 (Adopting birch Run Directive Regarding Importance of

          Personal Hygiene

Resolution #2020-13 (Adopting Saginaw County Hazard Mitigation Plan)

Resolution #2020-14 (Insurance Opting Out of Senate Bill 7)


2019 Resolutions

Resolution #2019-01 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2019-02 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2019-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2019-04 (Budget Adoption for FY 2020)

Resolution #2019-05 (Support For Option of Nonpartisan Township Offices)

Resolution #2019-06 (Standard Lighting Contract)

Resolution #2019-07 (Revised Mutual Aid Agreement 05-14-19)

Resolution #2019-08 (Street Lighting District - Pine Island Drive)

Resolution #2019-09 (Military Duty Meeting Absence)

Resolution #2019-10 (Partial Termination from P.A. 116)

Resolution #2019-11 (Approve MMWA’s Agreements With American Waste & WM Recycle)

Resolution #2019-12 (Health Insurance Rules and Guidelines)

Resolution #2019-13 (Authorization For Change in Standard Lighting Contract)

Resolution #2019-14 (MERS Uniform 457 Supplemental Retirement Program)

Resolution #2019-15 (Establishing Authorized Signatories for MERS)

Resolution #2019-16 (Insurance Opting Out)

Resolution #2019-17 (Standard Lighting Contract)


2018 Resolutions

Resolution #2018-01 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2018-02 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2018-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2018-04 (Budget Adoption for FY 2019)

Resolution #2018-05 (Consumers Energy Street Light Resolution)

Resolution #2018-06 (Resolution of Recognition and Appreciation)

Resolution #2018-07 (Appoint Trustee & Alternate to MMWA)

Resolution #2018-08 (Insurance Opting Out)

Resolution #2018-09 (Authorization For Change in Standard Lighting Contract)

Resolution #2018-10 (Standard Lighting Contract)


2017 Resolutions

Resolution #2017-01 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2017-02 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2017-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2017-04 (Budget Adoption for FY 2018)

Resolution #2017-05 (Fee Schedule for Alarm Permits)

Resolution #2017-06 (Amend Public Monies)

Resolution #2017-08 (Support for MTA's Robert R. Robinson Scholarship Applicant)

Resolution #2017-09 (Initiate an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance)

Resolution #2017-10 (Issuance of General Obligation Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2017)

Resolution #2017-11 (Credit Card Acceptance)

Resolution #2017-12 (ACH Arrangements and Electronic Transactions of Funds)

Resolution #2017-13 (Amend Public Monies)

Resolution #2017-14 (Object to Transfer of Property Parcel #05-10-6-35-2001-001)

Resolution #2017-15 (Apply for Grant to Purchase New Election Equipment)

Resolution #2017-16 (Insurance Opting Out)

Resolution #2017-17 (Amend and Restate Existing 457(b) Plan)


2016 Resolutions

Resolution #2016-01 (Amend Public Monies)

Resolution #2016-02 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2016-03 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2016-04 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2016-05 (Insurance Opting Out)

Resolution #2016-06 (Budget Adoption for FY 2017)

Resolution #2016-08 (Poverty Exemption Guidelines)

Resolution #2016-09 (Amend Fee Schedule for Cemetery)

Resolution #2016-10 (Amend Public Monies)

Resolution #2016-11 (Approving Submission of Bond Proposition to Electors)

Resolution #2016-12 (Object to Transfer of Property Parcel #05-10-6-23-4003-000)

Resolution #2016-13 (Insurance Opting Out)



2015 Resolutions

Resolution #2015-01 (Intent to Reimburse Project Expenditures With Bond Proceeds)

Resolution #2015-02 (Insurance Opting Out)

Resolution #2015-03 (Budget Adoption for FY 2016)

Resolution #2015-04 (Construction Board of Appeals)

Resolution #2015-05 (Authorizing Publication of Notice of Intent to Issue Bonds)

Resolution #2015-06 (America Recycles Day)


2014 Resolutions

Resolution #2014-01 (Insurance Opting Out)

Resolution #2014-02 (Adoption of Park Master Plan)

Resolution #2014-03 (Budget Adoption for FY 2015)

Resolution #2014-04 (Partial Release from PA 116)

Resolution #2014-05 (Object to Transfer of Property Parcels)

Resolution #2014-06 (Resolution for Charitable Gaming Licenses)

Resolution #2014-07 (Chamber of Commerce & CVB)

Resolution #2014-08 (Resolution of Lodge, Association or Other Similar Organization)

Resolution #2014-09 (Saginaw County 9-1-1 Communications Authority's Interlocal Agreement and By-Laws)

Resolution #2014-10 (MMWA Board Representatives)


2013 Resolutions

Resolution #2013-01 (Insurance Opting Out)

Resolution #2013-02 (Budget Adoption for FY 2014)

Resolution #2013-03 (Administrative Fee for Nuisance Ordinance)

Resolution #2013-04 (Mutual Aid Agreement)

Resolution #2013-05 (America Recycles Day)

Resolution #2013-06 (Park Master Plan)


2012 Resolutions

Resolution #2012-01 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2012-02 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2012-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2012-04 (Budget Adoption for FY 2013)

Resolution #2012-05 (Consumers Energy Changes)

Resolution #2012-06 (Establishing Receiving Board)

Resolution #2012-07 (Insurance Opting Out)

Resolution #2012-08 (Object to Transfer of Foreclosed Property)


2011 Resolutions

Resolution #2011-01 (Genesee County Water & Waste Advisory Committee Representatives)

Resolution #2011-02 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2011-03 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2011-04 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2011-05 (Fire Millage Ballot Proposal)

Resolution #2011-06 (Budget Adoption for FY 2012)

Resolution #2011-07 (Capital Improvement Plan Responsibility)

Resolution #2011-08 (Administration Fees for Ordinance #2011-01 and #2006-04)

Resolution #2011-09 (Designate Special Assessment District; and Establish Hearing Date)

Resolution #2011-10 (Fire Protection Special Assessment District)

Resolution #2011-11 (Fire Special Assessment Roll Hearing)

Resolution #2011-12 (Oppose Incorporation Into Becoming A Charter Township)

Resolution #2011-13 (Create Fire Fund)

Resolution #2011-14 (Amend Fee Schedule for Cemetery)

Resolution #2011-15 (Confirm Assessment Roll for Fire Special Assessment District)

Resolution #2011-16 (Water Tower Bond)

Resolution #2011-17 (Establish Local Receiving Board)

Resolution #2011-18 (Object to Transfer of Property Parcels)

Resolution #2011-19 (Amend IRC Section 125 Premium Only Plan)

Resolution #2011-20 (MMWA Board Representatives)

Resolution #2011-21 (Water Bond)

Resolution #2011-22 (Insurance Opting Out)

Resolution #2011-23 (Public Hearing to Amend DDA Development and TIF Plan)

Resolution #2011-24 (Tax Bond Amendment)


2010 Resolutions

Resolution #2010-01 (Cinema Hollywood Liquor Permit)

Resolution #2010-02 (PA 116 Partial Termination)

Resolution #2010-03 (Emergency Management Assistance)

Resolution #2010-04 (Saginaw Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Division)

Resolution #2010-05 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2010-06 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2010-07 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2010-08 (Budget Adoption for FY 2011)

Resolution #2010-09 (Financial Support for Trolley Line Trail North)

Resolution #2010-10 (Fire Insurance Withholding Program)

Resolution #2010-11 (Fire Run Fee Schedule)

Resolution #2010-12 (Change Date of BOR Meeting)

Resolution #2010-13 (Water Bonding Grant)

Resolution #2010-14 (Establish Local Receiving Board)

Resolution #2010-15 (America Recylces Day)

Resolution #2010-16 (Certification to Group Health Plan)

Resolution #2010-17 (Business Associate Agreement)


2009 Resolutions

Resolution #2009-01 (Establish Construction Board)

Resolution #2009-02 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2009-03 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2009-04 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2009-05 (Budget Adoption for FY 2010)

Resolution #2009-06 (Attorney Involvement in Village DDA TIF Plan)

Resolution #2009-07 (MMWA Recycling Processing Services)

Resolution #2009-08 (MMWA Board Representatives)

Resolution #2009-09 (SASWA Board Representatives)

Resolution #2009-10 (America Recycles Day)

Resolution #2009-11 (Speed Study of Downing Road)

Resolution #2009-12 (Speed Study of Birch Run Road)

Resolution #2009-13 (Support Keeping the S.O.S. Frankenmuth Office)


2008 Resolutions

Resolution #2008-01 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2008-02 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2008-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2008-04 (Budget Adoption for FY 2009)

Resolution #2008-05 never assigned (General Fund Savings to Water System)

Resolution #2008-06 (Busch Road Water Agreement)

Resolution #2008-07 (Busch Road Water Main Extension)

Resolution #2008-08 (IRC Section 125 Premium Only Plan)

Resolution #2008-09 (SAGA Board Representatives)

Resolution #2008-10 (Road Millage Proposition)

Resolution #2008-11 (Fee Schedule for Cemetery)

Resolution #2008-12 (Fee Schedule for Alarm Ordinance)

Resolution #2008-13 (Busch Road Water Main Extension District Hearing)

Resolution #2008-14 (MMWA Board Representatives)

Resolution #2008-15 (Confirming Assessment Roll)


2007 Resolutions

Resolution #2007-01 (SASWA Board Representatives)

Resolution #2007-02 (Budget Adoption for FY 2008)

Resolution #2007-03 (GIS Authority Board Representatives)

Resolution #2007-05 (Uniform Video Service Local Franchise Agreement)

Resolution #2007-06 (Withdrawal from the SASWA)

Resolution #2007-07 (Request to Transfer Ownership of Class C License Business)

Resolution #2007-08 (Request to Transfer Ownership of Class C Licensed Business)

Resolution #2007-09 (Request to Transfer Ownership of Class C Resort Licensed Business)

Resolution #2007-10 (General Fund Capital Improvement Fund)

Resolution #2007-11 (Water Capital Improvement Fund)

Resolution #2007-12 (Driver Record Subscription Service)

Resolution #2007-13 (Oppose House Bill 4780, Consolidation Act, and Companion Bills)


2006 Resolutions

Resolution #2006-01 (Construction Board of Appeals and Meeting Fees)

Resolution #2006-02 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2006-03 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2006-04 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2006-05 (Budget Adoption for FY 2007)

Resolution #2006-06 (Retain Local Control of Cable Franchising)

Resolution #2006-07 (Fee Schedule for Cemetery)

Resolution #2006-08 (Purchase Fire Truck and Related Equipment)

Resolution #2006-09 (Application and Fees for the Peddler's)

Resolution #2006-10 (Power and Duties for Water & Sewer Services and Park of Officers)


2005 Resolutions

Resolution #2005-01 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2005-02 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2005-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2005-04 (Preapplication Conferences)

Resolution #2005-05 (Budget Adoption for FY 2006)

Resolution #2005-06 (Professional Review Fee Schedule)

Resolution #2005-07 (Water and Sewer Department Rules and Regulations)

Resolution #2005-08 (Storm Water Quality Management and Discharge Control)

Resolution #2005-09 (Clerk As Authorized Agent)

Resolution #2005-10 (Submission of Bond Propositon)

Resolution #2005-11 (Submission of Bond Propositon)

Resolution #2005-12 (America Recycles Day)

Resolution #2005-13 (Fiscal 2006 Budget of the SASWA)



2004 Resolutions

Resolution #2004-01 (Water Study Contract)

Resolution #2004-02 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2004-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2004-04 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2004-05 (Budget Adoption for FY 2005)

Resolution #2004-06 (Saginaw County GIS Authority Representatives)

Resolution #2004-07 (Sign Board of Appeals Meeting Fees)

Resolution #2004-08 (Sign Permit Fees)

Resolution #2004-09 (Intermunicipality Committee)

Resolution #2004-10 (Temporary Water Rate Contract)

Resolution #2004-11 (Water Rate Increase)

Resolution #2004-12 (Tax Increment Revenue Agreement With Village)

Resolution #2004-13 (Waterline Payoff Policy)

Resolution #2004-14 (Waterline Payoff Policy)

Resolution #2004-15 (MMWA's Article of Incorporation)

Resolution #2004-16 (Establish Local Receiving Board)

Resolution #2004-17 (Fiscal 2005 Budget of the SASWA)

Resolution #2004-18 (Cable Franchise Agreement)

Resolution #2004-19 (MMWA Board Representatives)

Resolution #2004-20 (Adopt Zoning Ordinance)


2003 Resolutions

Resolution #2003-01 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2003-02 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2003-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2003-04 (Telecommunications Rights-of-Way)

Resolution #2003-05 (Michigan State Police Presence)

Resolution #2003-06 (Budget Adoption for FY 2004)

Resolution #2003-07 (America Recycles Day)

Resolution #2003-08 (MMWA Collection and Disposal Agreements)

Resolution #2003-09 (MMWA Board Representatives)

Resolution #2003-10 (State Surcharge Opposition)

Resolution #2003-11 (Performance and Indemnification)


2002 Resolutions

Resolution #2002-01 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2002-02 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2002-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2002-04 (Liquor Control Commission)

Resolution #2002-05 (Proposal to Saginaw County Road Commission - Dehmel Rd)

Resolution #2002-06 (Hardship Property Tax Reduction)

Resolution #2002-07 (Federal Surplus Program)

Resolution #2002-08 (Land and Water Conservation Fund)

Resolution #2002-10 (Payment Authorization for Saginaw Clean Water Alliance)

Resolution #2002-11 (SASWA Board Representatives)

Resolution #2002-12 (MMWA Board Representatives)

Resolution #2002-13 (America Recycles Day)

Resolution #2002-14 (Liquor Control Commission)


2001 Resolutions

Resolution #2001-01 (2000 Recreation Plan)

Resolution #2001-01 (Supervisor Salary)

Resolution #2001-02 (Clerk Salary)

Resolution #2001-03 (Treasurer Salary)

Resolution #2001-04 (Recreation Grant)

Resolution #2001-07 (Purchasing Policy)

Resolution #2001-09 (Adopt License Ordinance)

Resolution #2001-11 (Special Use Permit - Mini Storage Use)

Resolution #2001-12 (Land and Water Conservation Fund)

Resolution #2001-12 (Special Use Permit - Park Grant)

Resolution #2001-14 (Property Tax Administration Fee)

Resolution #2001-15 (Property Tax Penalty Charge and Interest)

Resolution #2001-16 (Saginaw River Dredging Draft)

Unnumbered - Budget Adoption for FY 2002

Unnumbered - Qualified Voter File

1999 Resolutions

Resolution #1999-01 (Budget Appropriations Act FY 1999-20)

Resolution #1999-02 (Consenting To Inclusion of Property In Brownfield Redevelopment Zone)


1998 Resolutions

Resolution #1998-01 (Clark Inter-county Drain Work)

Resolution #1998-02 (Approving the Budget and Adopting the Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 1998-1999)

Resolution #1998-03 (Explore Recommendations Regarding Cooperation Among County)

Resolution #1998-04 (Intermunicipality Study Committee)

Resolution #1998-05 (Approving The Change of Control of The Cable Communications Franchise)

Resolution #1998-06 (Cable Television Franchise From Bresnan Communications Company LP to LLC)

Resolution #1998-unnumbered (Moose Lodge Liquor License)

Resolution #1998-unnumbered (Partial Termination From PA 116)


1997 Resolutions

Resolution #1997-01 (Approving the Project, District and Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution #1997-02 (Approving the Budget and Adopting the Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 1997-1998)

Resolution #1997-04 (Approving Amended Contract and Interlocal Agreement with the Township DDA)

Resolution #1997-05 (Approving an Agreement Regarding Payment For Rights In Sewage Disposal System)

Resolution #1997-06 (Traffic Engineering Study)

Resolution #1997-07 (Consent To Assignment and Transfer of CATV Franchise)


1996 Resolutions

Resolution #1996-01 (Join The Partnership for the Saginaw Bay Watershed)

Resolution #1996-02 (Approving Budget and Adopting Appropriation Act for the Fiscal Year 1996-1997)

Resolution #1996-03 (Authorizing Submission of Bond Proposition)

Resolution #1996-04 (Initiate Project)

Resolution #1996-05 (Revised Downtown Plan and TIF Plan from Township DDA and Set Public Hearing)

Resolution #1996-06 (Birch Run Township General Obligation Unlimited Tax Library Bonds, Series 1996)

Resolution #1996-07 (Saginaw County and Birch Run Twp. Sewer Systems Improvements Project Contract)

Resolution #1996-08 (Statement of Assurances - Internet)

Resolution #1996-09 (Statement of Assurances - CD ROM Workstation)

Resolution #1996-10 (Authorizing Execution of Interlocal Agreement with the Township DDA)

Resolution #1996-11 (Award Resolution)

Resolution #1996-12 (Initiate Project)

Resolution #1996-13 (Saginaw County and Birch Run Twp. Sewer System Improvements Ext. 2 Project Contract)

Resolution #1996-14 (Proposed Sewer System Improvements and Related Special Assessment District Ext. 2)

Resolution #1996-15 (Approving Water Rate Increase)


1995 Resolutions

Resolution #1995-01 (Initiate Watermain Extension)

Resolution #1995-02 (Liquor License Transfer)

Resolution #1995-03 (Proposed Water Improvements and Related Special Assessment Districts)

Resolution #1995-04 (Approving Contract with County of Saginaw for Water Extension No. 3)

Resolution #1995-05 (Confirming Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution #1995-06 (Approving Budget and Adopting Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 1995-1996)

Resolution #1995-07 (Establishing Fire Hydrant Rental Rates)

Resolution #1995-08 (Consent to Assignment and Transfer of CATV Franchise)

Resolution #1995-09 (Consumers Power Company Streetlight Changes)

Resolution #1995-10 (Curtis Drain Inspection)

Resolution #1995-11 (Initiate Sewer Project)

Resolution #1995-12 (Initiate Sewer Project)

Resolution #1995-13 (Saginaw County and Birch Run Twp. Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Project Contract)

Resolution #1995-14 (Proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvements and Related Special Assessment District)

Resolution #1995-15 (Confirming Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution Unnumbered (Removal from PA 116 Contract 73-2409-123196)

Resolution Unnumbered (Transfer 1995 Class C Liquor License)


1994 Resolutions

Resolution #1994-01 (Initiate Watermain Project)

Resolution #1994-02 (Initiate Watermain Project)

Resolution Approving Budget And Adopting The Appropriation Act For Fiscal Year 1994-95

Resolution #1994-03 (Maple Road Water Line Extension)

Resolution #1994-04 (Set Public Hearing Date & Assessment District)

Resolution #1994-05 (Approve Contract With Saginaw County)

Resolution #1994-06 (Proposed Water Improvements and Related Special Assessment Districts)

Resolution #1994-07 (Confirm Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution #1994-08 (Confirm Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution #1994-09 (Designating Special Assessment District)

Resolution #1994-10 (Establish Hearing on Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution #1994-11 (Confirm Maple Road Water Main Extension District Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution #1994-12 (Authorize Installment Purchase Contract)

Resolution #1994-13 (Interlocal Agreement To Create Saginaw County 911 Comm. Center Authority)

Resolution #1994-14 (Approve Contract With DDA)

Resolution #1994-15 (Confirm Amended Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution #1994-16 (Confirm Amended Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution #1994-17 (Establish Interest Rate For Special Assessment Payments)

Resolution #1994-18 (Fire Service Mutual Aid Agreement)

Resolution #1994-19 (Approve Supplemental Contract)

Resolution #1994-20 (Authorize Notice of Intent To Issue an Obligation)

Resolution #1994-21 (Judgement Bonds, Series 1994)

Resolution #1994-22 (Award Bond)

Resolution #1994-23 (Establish Special Assessment District)


1993 Resolutions

Resolution #1993-01 (Financing Fire Truck Chassis)

Resolution #1993-02 (Financing Fire Truck Pumper Body)

Resolution #1993-03 (Affirming Annexation)

Resolution #1993-04 (Establishing Charges For Water Service)

Resolution #1993-05 (Establishing Fire Hydrant Rental Rates)

Resolution #1993-06 (Establishing Birch Run Water Authority)


1992 Resolutions

Resolution #1992-01 (Sewer Improvements)

Resolution #1992-02 (Special Assessment Rolls)

Resolution #1992-03 (Intent To Sell Bonds)

Resolution Approving Budget And Adopting The Appropriation Act For Fiscal Year 1992-93

Resolution #1992-04 (Set Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution #1992-05 (Declare Intent To Reimburse Expenditures)

Resolution #1992-06 (Authorize Issuance of Notes)

Resolution #1992-07 (Authorize Issuance of Notes)

Resolution #1992-08 (Awarding RANs)

Resolution #1992-09 (Awarding TANs)


1991 Resolutions

Resolution #1991-01 (Public Policy)

Resolution Approving Budget And Adopting The Appropriation Act For Fiscal Year 1991-92

Resolution #1991-04 (Saginaw County Solid Waste Management Plan Approval)


1990 Resolutions

Resolution Approving Budget And Adopting The Appropriation Act For Fiscal Year 1990-91

1990 Resolution to Create Six Member Library Board

1990 Resolution to Create Six Member Park Board

Resolution #1990-01 (Intent to Sell Bond)

Resolution #1990-02 (Sewer Improvements)

Resolution #1990-03 (Sewer Improvements)

Resolution #1990-04 (Set Sewer Special Assessment Hearing)

Resolution #1990-05 (Set Sewer Special Assessment Hearing)

Resolution #1990-06 (Approve Sewer Contract With County)

Resolution #1990-08 (Confirm Sewer Special Assessment Roll)

Resolution #1990-09 (Support I-75 Interchange Improvements)

Resolution #1990-10 (Delay Sewer Assessments)


1989 Resolutions

Resolution Approving Budget And Adopting The Appropriation Act For Fiscal Year 1989-90

Resolution #1989-01 (Federal Property Assistance Program)

Resolution #1989-02 (Free Access to State Trunkline Right of Way Annual Permit)

Resolution for Volunteer Week Recognition

Resolution #1989-03 (Supervisor To Sign The Application For E.D.A. Funding Assistance)

Resolution for the Adoption of a Township Compensation Commission Ordinance

Resolution #1989-04 (Township DDA Plan And TIF Plan Approval)

Resolution #1989-05 (Affirming Annexation)

Resolution #1989-06 (Affirming Annexation)

Resolution #1989-07 (Approve Proposed Sewer Improvements - Genesee County Farrand Rd Interceptor)

Resolution #1989-08 (Sanitary Sewer and Force Main Project)


1988 Resolutions

Resolution to Adopt the Budget Appropriation Act


1987 Resolutions

Resolution #1987-02 (Budget Appropriation Act Adoption)

Resolution #1987-04 (Request The Planning Commission to Make Changes to the Zoning Ordinance)

Resolution #1987-05 (Authorizing Supervisor to Execute Necessary Notice of Intent for Grant Program)


1986 Resolutions

Resolution #1986-01 (Request Planning Commission Rezone Properties at Gera and Birch Run Rds)


1985 Resolutions

Resolution #1985-01 (Cable Franchise)

Resolution #1985-02 (Resolution Against Becoming a Charter Township)

Resolution #1985-03 (No Fireworks in Buster Brown Park Unless Approved By Park Board)

Resolution Supporting Saginaw County's Application For Designation As a Planning & Service Area)

Resolution To Annex Property Owned By Suski Chevrolet-Buick, Inc.


1984 Resolutions

Resolution To Set The Township Board Meeting Dates

Resolution To Obtain Certain Federal Financial Assistance Under The Disaster Relief Act

Resolution To Adopt Ordinance For Electrical Code


1983 Resolutions

Resolution Against Michigan Mobile Home Commission

Resolution To Prepare a Solid Waste Management Plan


1982 Resolutions

Resolution Setting Girl Scout Week In Birch Run Township

Resolution #1982-D (Providing Referendum Vote of Proposed Annexation of Township Property to Village)

Resolution to Adopt Ordinance to Amend The Zoning Ordinance


1981 Resolutions

Resolution To Support Legislation To Place A Moratorium On Landfill License

Resolution to Extend Existing Birch Run Sewage Disposal System

Resolution to Adopt Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance

Resolution To Adopt Ordinance Regulation Cable Antenna Television Systems


1980 Resolutions

Resolution To Adopt Ordinance For Mechanical Code

Resolution To Establish a Public Library

Resolution To Adopt Ordinance For Electrical Code


1979 Resolutions

Resolution To Adopt Ordinance For Electrical Code

Resolution to Set Township Board Meeting Dates

Resolution to Adopt Ordinance For Mechanical and Plumbing Code

Resolution Setting Hearing Date For Birch Run Welding and Fabricating Project

Resolution Approving Project Area

Resolution Approving Birch Run Welding and Fabricating Project Plan

Resolution to Develop and Implement Areawide Water Quality Management Plan



1978 Resolutions

Resolution To Initiate Water Distribution System Extension Project

Resolution To Approve Water Supply System Extension No. 1 Contract

Resolution To Set Township Board Meeting Dates


​1977 Resolutions

Resolution To Adopt Ordinance For Plumbing and Mechanical Code

Resolution For Facilities Plan For Waste Treatment Facilities

Resolution Relative To Recovery of Industrial Waste Treatment Cost

Resolution To Adopt Ordinance For Michigan Energy Code


1976 Resolutions

Resolution For P.L. 92-500, Section 201, Step I Facilities Plan

Resolution For Project Application PA-13, Community Park


1975 Resolutions

Administering of On-Site Sewage Disposal Programs

Issuance of Land Use Permits for Single Family Residences

Resolution To Approve Submittal of Application for Grant Money from Michigan DNR


1973 Resolutions

Resolution To Apply To The Department Of Conservation To Withhold Land From Sale


1971 Resolutions

Resolution #1971-01 (Ordinance Adoption)


1970 Resolutions

Resolution for Adoption of Fire Control and Burning Ordinance


1963 Resolutions

Resolution to Transfer Business Ownership


1956 Resolutions

Resolution to License Used Car Lots


1953 Resolutions

Resolution to Establish Zoning Districts


2021 - 2030
2001 - 2010
1991 - 1999
1981 - 1990
1953 - 1980
2011 - 2020

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